What is load shedding and how can it be implemented for Easee charging robots?

To implement load shedding for the Easee charging robots, the Easee Equalizer Amp is suitable. This allows the charging robots to remain powered (standby mode) and thus stay digitally reachable for firmware updates or to check the current status of the charging infrastructure by the user. During this process, no or only limited electrical power can be drawn from the electric car.

Another option is load shedding via API.


Load Shedding via a Round Control Receiver

The implementation of load regulation by the grid operator is carried out through the round control receiver or through the FNN control box, via a potentially free contact that connects to the measurement system. This measurement system then sends the signal to the Equalizer, which regulates or pauses the charging process accordingly.

Once this restriction is lifted, the Equalizer allows the interrupted or reduced charging process to continue. No reauthorization of the charging process is necessary.


To implement the load regulations, the Equalizer and additionally one of the following measuring devices is required:

  • Equalizer Amp
  • Janitza UMG 604 Pro
  • CVM E3 Mini

Further information on implementing load shedding via a round control receiver with an Equalizer and one of the mentioned measuring devices can be found here:

Load shedding through a ripple control device according to §14a EnWG


Load shedding via API

If the charging and load management of the Easee Home or Easee Charge is controlled via API, load shedding can also be controlled via API. As soon as the API releases the paused charging process, the charging stations start up again and continue charging.

In this case, too, no new authorization is required for further charging.

information.png Some energy suppliers do not allow online load shedding via API. Therefore, consent to the procedure should be obtained beforehand.

Comprehensive documentation of the API is located here.


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