Charger is offline

Why is My Charger Offline?

If your charger is offline, it means it currently has no connection to our cloud service. This usually happens because the charger is in a location without mobile coverage (4G) and needs a WiFi connection to communicate with the Easee app and portal. For instructions on how to connect to WiFi, see the article: How to connect to WiFi?


Check the LED Light

If the LED strip on the charger is off, the charger might be without power. Ensure that the charger is powered by checking the LED light. If there is no light in the LED strip, follow these steps:

  1. Press and hold the touch button (the small dot above the LED strip). This should normally emit a confirmation sound and light on the LED strip. If nothing happens proceed with next step.
  2. If the LED light is off, turn off the charger's circuit breaker for at least 60 minutes.
  3. After 60 minutes, turn the circuit breaker back on and check if the LED light comes back on.
  4. If the LED light is still off, please submit a request at the bottom of this page, and our support team will assist you further. 


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