Changing the Master Charger on a circuit

In some cases it may be necessary to change which charger on a circuit is a master charger.

It is a simple update in the app. Follow these steps:

  1. Open the site, and press to select the circuit.
  • Press to select a charger.
    The Backplate information card displays.
  • Press Unit Type.
  • The next steps are slightly different if you have selected a master charger or a secondary charger.
    If you have selected a master charger in the previous step, the Change master card displays.
    1. Press to select the secondary unit that will become the master charger.
    2. Press Set new master.
    If you have selected a secondary charger in the previous step, a menu will slide from the bottom.
    1. Press Set as master.
      The Change master card displays.
    2. Press Set new master.

The master charger is now set. It may take a few moments for this to register in the cloud before it shows in Easee Control.


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