Consumption Report

Your consumption report is found in Simply choose the Consumption tab and choose which type and time frame of the report.

The view of the Consumption tab screen for a selected site. There are fields for the start and end dates, a drop-down menu for each report, and a button for each export file type.


The Report section generates four summary reports, and three detailed reports:

  • User Summary Report — a summary of the total consumption associated with a user. All RFID keys that have been registered to a user will be shown in one total consumption.
  • Charger Summary Report — a summary of the charging sessions, during a specific time. A charging session is started when the vehicle and the charger is connected with charging cable and ends when the charging cable gets disconnected from the vehicle.
  • Easee Key Summary Report — a summary of the total consumption for the selected time period for all RFID keys used on the site.
  • Energy Summary Report — a summary of the charging consumption on the site.
  • User Detailed Report — a detailed report of all the sessions associated with all the users that have charged on the site.
  • Charger Detailed Report — a detailed report of all the charging sessions made per charger on the site.
  • Easee Key Detailed Report — a detailed report with the consumption on all RFID keys that have been used on the site.

The reports can be printed, or exported as Excel worksheets, CSV files, or PDF.


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