Why is my Equalizer visible online but not in the app?

In some cases, an Equalizer will be visible through Easee Portal but not appear in the app.

To make your Equalizer visible in your Easee app, follow these steps:

  1. In the app, open the menu from the top left corner.
    screenshot of the main app card

    The main menu will open from the side.

    screenshot of the app with the menu open from the side
  2. Press Products.
    The Products card opens.
  3. Press the blue + in the top right to open the Add product card.
  4. Press Locate site at the bottom of the card.
    add product card

    The Sites card opens.

  5. Press to select your charging site.
    Sites card showing the sites available to the user

    The card for the site's products opens.

  6. Press to select the Equalizer on that site.
    The site card showing products installed on the site

The Equalizer is now available in your app.


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