What are Charger and Site Invitations?
- A charger is a device that allows you to charge your electric car at your home.
- A site is a location where you have one or more chargers installed.
- You can have up to three chargers on your home site.
- An invitation is a way of transferring the ownership of a charger or a site from the installer to you.
- As part of the installation process, the installer is listed as the owner of the charger and the site, which gives them the ability to troubleshoot with us in case of any problems they might have.
- Installers transfer ownership to you by sending you an email invitation for each charger and site.
- You need to accept both invitations to complete the installation.
If you have not already downloaded the free Easee app, you should download the app now.
This is also a great time to create a new Easee account if you don't already have one.
How do I Accept the Invitations?
You can accept the invitations in any order, but you will not see the site in your app until you accept both the charger and the site invitations. If you are having a second or third charger installed at your home, then you will only receive a charger invitation, as you are already the site owner.
Step 1: Receive the Email Invitations
The first step in the process is receiving the emailed invitations from the installer. You will receive two separate emails: one for the charger and one for the site. Here are examples of what they look like:
Above is an example of a site invitation.
Below is an example of a charger invitation.
Step 2: Press the Link in the Email
To accept an invitation, press the link in the email. This will open the Easee app on your phone or tablet. If you are doing this on your computer rather than your phone or tablet, the Easee Portal will open in your browser.
Step 3: Log in or Create an Account
Enter your phone number and password, then press Login.
If you have not created an account, press Create an account and you can continue on to create a new Easee account before you complete the invitation.
Step 4: Accept the Charger Invitation
You now see the invitation screen.
Press Accept.
You now see your charger, ready to charge!
You can charge your car, whether or not you have accepted the site invitation.
Step 5: Accept the Site Invitation
After you have pressed the site invitation link in the email and logged in the app, you will see a notice that you can find out more about the safety features. If you press Read more to learn about the many safety features of Easee products, you will not leave the app.
If you want to learn about the safety features at another time, press the x.
You will now see your site in your app as a site owner. You can manage your chargers and settings from here.
The screen above and the screen below show what the app will display if you accept the site invitation before accepting the charger invitation.
It is that easy
That is all you have to do! You are now registered as the charger owner and site owner.