Introduction to Equalizer

Take control over your power consumption. The Equalizer gives you the power to utilize all the available capacity, while never running the risk of tripping the main fuse. Charge smarter, safer and faster.

What does the Equalizer do?

The Equalizer will

  • Balance the electricity between the building and the charger.
  • Ensure that your vehicle charging is always optimized based on available capacity.
  • Safeguard the main fuse of the building.
  • Monitor the total consumption of all electrical appliances in your building.
  • Constantly communicate to the charger over WiFi and radio, even if internet connection is lost.

How does it work?

The Equalizer reads the total energy use in your building and communicates this to the charger through WiFi and radio. The charger then adjusts the vehicle charging according to available capacity, lowering the effect of charging on the rest of the building if the capacity is low, and increasing when the capacity is high. Your capacity will typically be low if you have many appliances turned on at the same time, using a lot of electricity. If most devices are turned off, the capacity is high and more electricity can be used to charge your vehicle.

Equalizer P1 and Equalizer HAN

We have made two models of the Equalizer, one for HAN outputs, and one for P1 outputs. Be sure to choose the right one for your system!

Find out more about HAN or P1, and the difference between them, here: What is HAN or P1?



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