Deleting a Site

Exceptional Information Hand Icon If you delete a site it can not be undone or recovered.

When a site is decommissioned, it should be removed from Portal.

You must be within the site on Portal to delete. You cannot delete a site from any other place in Portal.

To delete a site, follow these steps:

  1. From the site's Tools tab, expand the Site Info section.
  2. Click Edit.
    The section expands showing the different location fields available to edit.

    Exceptional Information Blue Info Circle IconIf the Edit button was clicked previously in a session, but Cancel was not clicked, then the section will open with the fields still expanded and available.

  3. Click Delete site.

    A pop-up appears.A pop up window asking to verify site deletion. The user must enter the site ID to continue.

    Exceptional Information Hand Icon If a site can not be deleted, the popup window will display reasons why.A pop up window stating that the site cannot be deleted, listing two reasons why.

  4. Type the Site ID exactly to verify that you want to delete the site.

    When the ID matches, the I understand the consequences, delete this site button is available.The button in the pop-up has changed from white to red.

  5. Click I understand the consequences, delete this site.

    The site is deleted.

  6. The main Sites page will load, showing all sites you have access to.


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