Site Page: Site Structure

The site's structure is a circuit map representation of the site as a whole, showing all circuits and products on the site, as well as their power usage. The power can be shown as a percentage or in amps.

the top portion of the site structure page.

This page allows you to monitor the site's relative and actual consumption use, which can aid in determining user access levels, growth potential, and regular maintenance needs.a site circuit with two error messages, one in red and one in yellow.

There are two main portions of the page. The complete circuits, and the chargers on each circuit.

the site structure page with one circuit expanded showing the chargers by backplate ID and serial number.

Complete Circuits

Use this section to

  • View site power consumption in percentage or in amps.
  • Edit the main fuse size.
  • Edit the E-mobility and main fuse limits.
  • Edit the circuit names.
  • Edit the master charger for each circuit.
  • Add chargers to the site.

Chargers on Circuits

Use this section to

  • View the chargers on a circuit, including backplate ID and serial number.
  • Edit the position names of each charger on the circuit.
  • Go directly to a charger's product page for detailed information.


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