Consumption Report Insights

After using reports for some time, you might notice there are occasionally slight discrepancies. Some of the most common issues are not problems but rather differences in how the data is collected and used.

Other issues might be in not understanding the methodology used in determining what goes into a report.

Certain dates over- or under-report usage

There are different reasons why a report might show slightly different data on a day or days than expected.

Tracking charge time versus charge sessions

When you run a report based on the charging session, that session is logged based on the date and time the session ended. This means a session will only be included on the User, Charger, and Easee Key reports if the session ended on a date within the specified period. If you overlook this, it might seem like the report is overreporting or underreporting the use.

The Energy Report uses data that is logged each hour. This will include all consumption that starts at midnight of the first date in the report period, through 23:59 of the final date of the report period. This is not affected by when a charging session starts or stops. This data is based on whether or not power is used in a period, and not when the power use started or stopped.

For example, consider a report that is run for a period from 15 October to 31 October. If a user starts charging at 23:00 on 31 October and ends charging at 07:00 01 November, that power used will not be included on User reports, Charger reports, or Easee Key reports. The period from 23:00 to 23:59 on 14 October will be included on the Energy report, since that data is collected each hour.

This also means that instances where a charging session that ends between hours will not have that fraction of an hour included in the Energy report. If the report period ends at 11:00, but the user charged until 11:45, that final 45 minutes will not be counted in the report, since the data is only collected at each hour interval.

Rounding errors

On Charger, User, and Easee Key Summary reports, the energy consumed in each charge session is rounded up before totaling. This will lead to small discrepancies, especially with reports over longer periods of time.

Energy summary retention data

Energy summary data is collected every 60 minutes by default. Because this results in large storage requirements over time, the limit on storage is 13 months. This allows for end-of-year overviews.

The trade in this is that if you compare Energy Summary reports to Charger Summary reports for further than 13 months in the past, there will be strange results.

Missing sessions

There is a known bug where rarely the session information is not stored. Support can sometimes find and fix these missing sessions, but sometimes they can not.

The Energy Summary report does not rely on session data, so the consumption will still be logged in this report. However, it may be missing from the other reports.

Discrepancies between meter reports and consumption reports

Only the power used to charge an EV is included as consumed power. The charger measures this to an accuracy of ±2%. The energy used to power the Easee chargers is not included. The charger's specific energy consumption will vary, but will be within the range of 2 to 5 watts per hour.

Missing time periods

Some sessions in a report may not have a start or end time. This would typically be caused by the charger not knowing what time it is All of the data is otherwise logged, and the session is stored based on the session ID. In these cases the session ID is used to determine when the session took place, as the session IDs are assigned in order. This allows the reports to show the order correctly even if the times are not captured.

Missing time information is not recoverable, so Support will not be able to tell you when a session started or ended. If the time is necessary, the best solution is to contact the user to find out when they charged.

If chargers are offline for one or more days, the consumption reports will not be reported on the correct date. The consumption for the offline periods will all register on the day the charger is online again.

What is the difference between Energy summary data and Session data?

Energy summary data can not distinguish between when a session starts (the EV is connected) and when a session ends (the EV is disconnected). The Energy summary data only records cumulative energy for a given point in time. It does not record comparisons to past dates, it does not record the user, it does not record RFID information to report which Easee Key was used.

If Energy summary data was used to generate Charger reports they would be the identical report, and still without user information. The Charger report still requires data from the charging sessions to display the detailed consumption per user. If not, the discrepancy between the Energy Summary report and the Charger Summary report would happen again between the Charger Summary report and the Charger Detail report.


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