Owners, Admins, Users, and permissions

In the Easee app and portal there are three available roles. Each role has a different level of access to the site and the charger. This is different from the access levels of a charger, which determines what you must have in order to use the charger.

Your roles are listed in both the Easee app and in Easee portal. In the Easee app, your role is listed for each charger. For the selected charger press Charger settings, then press About. Your user role is listed next to User role. Your roles for each site you have access to are listed in portal when you log in to your account. It will be on the right side of the table, under the column Your access role.

There are three possible access levels for Easee Home and Easee Charge. They are, in increasing levels of access:

  1. Site user
  2. Site administrator
  3. Site owner

Site user

The site user has the access to use the chargers on a site. There is a different user level, charger user, that limits access to a specific charger on the site.

The site user is granted access through an invitation. Access will be to a single site. The site owner or site administrator may be responsible for specific sites, but the invitation will only apply to one site. 

Site and charger users have the following access:

  • Create an account
  • Use the charger
  • See the charger and site settings
  • See charger consumption

Site administrator

The site administrator gives and removes user access to chargers and sites. The administrator functions as the onsite manager, or at least the one responsible for the day-to-day operations on a specific charging site.

Site administrators and site owners can both send invitations to users, but on larger sites this will typically only come from the site administrator.

Site administrators have the following access:

  • All access listed for site users
  • Give access to sites and chargers
  • Change the charger settings
  • Create and remove charger sites
  • Test chargers and run diagnostics on site
  • Select the provider
  • Select the installer

Site owner

The site owner is what it says: the owner of the site. For installations at a home, the home owner will be given the roll of site owner. Site owners have few additional powers beyond the site administrators.

Site owners have the following access:



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