This setting is where you can administrate the users with access to a site and the access level to the chargers on the site. Should it be open for everyone to charge? Open for registered Easee users only or only for approved users added to the site?
A site's access control can only be changed if the operator of the site is set to Easee. Access control on sites set to other operators will need to use that operator's app.
Setting the Site Access Level
The access control setting for all chargers on a site is set in the Access Control section of a site's Tools tab.
When setting up site access you need to select from one of the settings below:
Open. Anyone can charge on this charger. — Everyone can charge their car at the site without having to tap an RFID keytag (Easee Key).
Public. Anyone can charge, but they need to identify themselves with an Easee account. — Access is only for registered Easee users. As long as you have an Easee account you can charge at this site. The user has to use an Easee key to authenticate to start charging.
Private. Only people that have been given access can charge. — Invite users by their phone number to add them to the approved users. All approved users can use their Easee keys (RFID keytags) to charge at the site. If you want to define on a charger level which user can use which charger, then it must be done on each charger.
Setting a Product's Site Access Level
Products will appear in a user's My products page in Portal and in the Easee app depending on the type of access the user has.
Accessing multiple chargers as an approved user
Users who are added as an approved user to a site will automatically see the charger after authentication using an Easee Key. The charger will automatically appear under "My products" in Portal or in the Easee App.
Products with different access levels than the site
Users who have a private parking space with their own charger have to be added as an approved user on that specific charger. In order to do so, the charger must be unlinked from the access level set on the site and a separate access level will be used for the specific charger.
- From a site's page, click Products.
The products for that site are shown. - Select the product to change the specific access level.
- Scroll to the bottom, and click to expand the Access section.
- Unlink the charger from the site access level.
The section changes to a drop-down list. - Set the permission to Private. Only people that have been given access can charge.
- Click Save.
This product is now set to accept only the users approved for use, while the products on the site are set to a level that accepts different users, or any users.
Adding users to the selected product
When the charger has been unlinked from the site, users can be invited to access that specific charger:
- In the expanded Access section, click Invite.
- Enter the user's phone number and add the user as a user on that specific charger.
The user will receive an SMS about being added to the charger. Once the user accepts, the charger will automatically appear in the user's app and in the user's Portal under My products.
In order to authenticate and start charging on a charger with restricted access, the user will also need to have an Easee key or a compatible RFID keytag paired to their profile.
For a guide on how to add a RFID keytag to your profile, see: How do I add an Easee key to my profile?
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