Linked Chargers and Access Control

Chargers on a site may be linked or unlinked to the site's access level.

Under Access Control you will find the list of Linked and Unlinked chargers.

the Access Control section of the Tools tab. Linked and Unlinked charger sections are visible.

For information on linking and unlinking chargers, see: Access Control for Sites and Products.

Linked charger

A linked charger has the same access level as the site. If you change the site access level, the charger's access level will change.

Unlinked charger

This is a charger with its own access level setting. This is useful in cases where a charger on the site should only allow access to specific users. This can be done by unlinking the charger. An unlinked chargers access level can be managed on the charger's product page under Access.


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