Schedule & Smart Charge


Schedule allows you to plan your charging to a more convenient time of the day. Often schedules are set to times of day when the price of electricity is lower.

Three Easee app screens with the scheduling pull-up menu are displayed. The first has nothing selected, the one next shows the schedule switch turned to On and the Week Plan radio button selected, and the third shows the Week Plan scheduling screen.

Some cars can enter sleep mode (sometimes called "hibernation mode") a short while after parking. If the car enters the sleep mode before the scheduled charging starts, the car can not receive power until it is "awake". The charger does not have the ability to wake the car because there is no standard in the charger-to-car communication from the automotive companies to "wake" the cars.

Exceptional Information Hand Icon Charging schedules will override the Power at all times setting. If you want to use power through the Easee charger outside of the scheduled times, for example, pre-warming the car using mains power rather than the car's battery power, then you will need to adjust the schedule to include the times you want to do that.


Schedule methods

Exceptional Information Circle Info Icon Depending on the selected operator of your charger the scheduling functions may be different.

There are 3 schedule types available:

  • Delayed start.
  • Weekly plan.
  • Smart charging.

Only one type of schedule can be used at a time.


Delayed start

This schedule type allows you to just delay the start of a schedule to a certain time during the day or night.

Example: Let's say you come home from work and plug in your car at 16:30. The charging can then be delayed to 01:00, because the energy price would be lower at that time. The charging will continue from the delayed start until the car is finished charging. It will not shut off of the charging continues into more expensive rate periods.

The delayed start schedule will run only once. If want this time to happen more than once, then you should create a weekly schedule. 


Weekly Plan

The week plan scheduling type allows you to set multiple schedules for a week. You can have up to two schedules per day. When setting a schedule you need to set a Start time and an End time. This is the time period the charger is allowed to charge. A schedule can also be the same for several days. To do this, group the days in the week with the same schedule. Only the days selected will be affected by the Start and End times. You will be able to charge at any time on those days that are not selected.

Example: For all weekdays you would like to only be able to charge between 01:00 and 06:30, and during the weekends charging is always possible. Select all weekdays, M T W T F, and set the Start time to 01:00 and the End time to 06:30.

A portion of the screen is shown. At the top it says Week Plan. Five of the calendar days are highlighted. On the left side, under Start, is 01:00. There is an arrow pointing to End, with a time of 06:30. The word Limit appears above the arrow.

You can also set the limit for the schedule. The limit sets a maximum power allowed during the scheduling period. Press Limit to specify a limitation of power used. 

A portion of the screen is shown. At the top it says Week Plan. Five of the calendar days are highlighted. On the left side, under Start, is 01:00. There is a yellow bar where the arrow was showing 85%.

This limitation can be set as either a percentage or as a set number of amps. Whichever scale you choose to limit the power, the value under limit will always show the percentage of the maximum power defined by the fuse.

A screen showing a selection of possible percentages to limit the charging power capacity to.


Turn off the schedule

It is possible to turn off the schedule or temporarily disable it. When you turn off the schedule your schedule is stored in the app. You do not need to recreate all schedules from scratch when activating them again.


Smart Charging

Some operators may provide smart charging, which allows the equipment to automatically schedule based on load, energy price or other parameters. The non-smart charging scheduling method is based only on time.


Two screens, each showing the Easee App one shows tnone of the selections marked, and underneath is written Schedule Off. One has a single item marked, the upper-right selection of the central group of four. Underneath the screen is written Schedule On.

Exceptional Information Circle Info Icon If you are also a Tibber customer and using Tibber as a operator in the app then you can turn on/off or disable smart charging from the Easee app.



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