If you are charging more than one car at home and want to split up the cost breakdown, each car will need its own Easee key. You do this by activating RFID access control on the charger and using one dedicated Easee key RFID tag per car.
You will need to make sure you use the Easee key for the car each time you charge, or it will not be reflected in the report.
There are two ways to add an Easee key.
- Through the app. To add an Easee key through the Easee app, see Adding an Easee Key (RFID keytag) from the Easee app.
- Through Portal. To add an Easee key through the portal at Easee.cloud, see How do I add an Easee Key (RFID keytag) to my profile?
Once you have added an Easee key for each vehicle, you can then generate a consumption report for each vehicle.