Managing Personal Account Settings

You can view and change your personal information through the Account Settings.

This tab is opened from the drop-down menu that appears when you click your name in the top right corner of the portal, then click Account Settings

The drop-down menu displayed when clicking the user ID in the top right corner of the browser screen.

If you have access to a company account, make sure you have already selected Personal in the drop-down menu under Other profiles. If you are logged in under a personal account, the word Personal will appear in blue, as in the image.

After you click Account Settings, your User Info page is shown.

Personal Information

The account settings screen

The first tab in your account settings, User Info, displays your current saved personal information. The First Name, Last Name, Email address, and Country fields are required. The Street, Zip code, City, and Company fields are optional.

If you make changes, click Save before moving to another tab.

Exceptional Information Blue Info Circle IconThe Postal Code field will say Zip code regardless of the selected country.

Easee Key

The Easee Key tab, showing the associated RFID tags, if any.

Here you can view, edit or delete your Easee Keys.

Specific instructions are at How do I add an Easee key to my profile?


This feature is currently under development.


The password tab of showing the password fields.

This profile tab is for changing your password, or requesting a password reset if you have forgotten your password.

Company Roles

the company roles tab showing the assigned roles of the user.

If you are associated with any company roles or site roles, you can view the roles you have, and remove your roles as necessary. See Users and user roles for more information.


The Settings tab of the Account Settings section

The four sections of this tab are Theme, Language, Consent, and Delete account.

  • Theme allows you to change the Portal appearance.
  • Language allows you to select the language Portal uses when you are logged in.
  • Consent is where you can sign up for emails regarding updates and new products.

    You can also view (and are encouraged to view) the Privacy Policy.

  • Delete account allows you to delete your current account.

    Exceptional Information Blue Hand Icon Deleting an account can not be reversed. Deleted accounts can not be restored. You will not be able to use the Installer app or Easee app after you delete your account.


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