Site Page: Products

All of the products for a site are listed here. Easee Chargers, Equalizers, all the products installed on a site are available here to see their performance and make sure their connections are complete.

an Easee Charger shown on the products page

If you come to this page from the tab, rather than clicking a specific product, the products section will be expanded, and the first product listed will be selected.

All of the current information about the product is available on this page. You can also start and stop charging here.


The Products section shows all products on the same circuit.

Open this section to

  • View the number of products on a circuit.
  • Select a different product.


The Charger section is the current charging and related information for the product. This is the only section that does not expand or contract..

Use this section to

  • Start and pause the charger charging.
  • Reboot the charger.
  • View charger lock information and disable locking.
  • The cellular connection.
  • The last time charger accessed the cloud.
  • The software version and if it is up to date. (A checkmark means most current software version is loaded)

Charging Bottleneck

The Charging Bottleneck section shows the current maximums and limitations for the charger.

Open this section to

  • View a charger's phase information.
  • Inspect rated, dynamic, and maximum charger currents for each phase.

Charger Observations

The Charger Observations section shows the signal strength in three bands.

Open this section to

  • View a chart of Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) for WiFi, Cellular, and Local (between chargers).
  • Download the chart as a PNG or SVG format image.

Administrator Tools

The Administrator Tools section is to restart all pairing attempts.

Open this section to

  • Erase the previous 24 hours of Bluetooth pairing attempts and start a new series of pairing attempts.


The Info section contains the basic operational information for the product.

Open this section to

  • View the serial number, product code, product type, operator, backplate IDs and the relation type to other units on the circuit.
  • Other information may be available depending on the unit.


The Configuration section contains information about how the product is configured to charge an EV.

Open this section to

  • View information about the allowed RFID keys, power grid type, phase information, cable locking, and local authorization for charging.
  • Edit RFID Key availability, reserving amperage for this unit, and cable lock status.


The Color setion lets you set the color of the charger as it appears in Easee Portal and the Easee app.

Open this section to

  • Change the displayed cover of the charger cover.


The WiFi section contains WiFi information.

Open this section to

  • Scan for WiFi networks.
  • Add/Edit the WiFi password.


The Access section shows what access people have to the charger, and if the charger's access level matches that of the rest of the site.

Open this section to


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