How do I change the charging price?

As a user, you can enter the charging price so that you can run reports in Portal about how much money is used both on your Easee Key as well as for all users of the charger.

The charging price is located in the Settings section of the Site card.

  1. To get to the Site card, swipe down from the charger card on the main screen of the Easee app. From there, press Site settings.

    The Settings screen is displayed.

    A screenshot of the general settings for a site in the Easee app.

  2. Press Charging price.

    The Charging Price screen is displayed.

    A screenshot of the Charging price screen in the Easee app.

  3. Press Edit in the top right corner.
    The price settings can be edited on this screen.
    A screenshot of the price settings screen. There is a number at the top showing the value, and a curreny in a drop-down menu. There is a calculator-like keypad below that.

  4. Press the number to change the amount. You may have to backspace to delete the number shown. The price you enter is the price per kilowatt-hour (kWh).

  5. Press the currency drop-down to select the currency, if necessary.

    Exceptional Information Circle Info Icon When you enter a currency in the app, it enters the VAT as 0%. This means that the price both with and without VAT will be set the same and the the VAT will be set to 0%. If you want to set the VAT, you must do so in Easee Portal.

  6. Press Save in the top right corner.

After the information is saved, you are returned to the Site settings screen.



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